• May 4, 2024

How to Do Talent Acquisition Better Without Spending a Fortu…

Billy Wilcosky

In a LinkedIn video from 2019 (Talent Connect 2019), talent acquisition expert John Vlastelica shared some invaluable insights into what truly excites the business world beyond mere ‘consistency’ or ‘compliance’. While these aspects are critical to the internal mechanics of HR, they don’t quite capture the attention of the broader business, which is more focused on speed, quality, and diversity. These are the factors that not only get noticed but also attract funding.

Vlastelica presents a compelling challenge: transforming strategic vision into actionable strategies. He suggests a significant shift in how we perceive recruitment pipelines. Instead of the traditional approach where hiring managers wait for recruiters to present candidates, he advocates for a proactive stance. A great example of this can be seen at Autodesk, where hiring managers actively engage with potential talents through various pre-funnel activities, such as participating in online communities, hosting meetups, and speaking at webinars.

Another standout strategy from Vlastelica is the implementation of coffee chat goals for hiring managers. This approach encourages informal interactions with potential candidates, fostering a more human and engaging connection and laying the groundwork for future recruitment opportunities. This tactic is not just about filling vacancies but about creating enduring relationships.

Vlastelica addresses the skepticism some may have towards adopting these innovative practices by emphasizing that every organization can integrate these strategies. It’s about pinpointing organizational pain points like vacancy costs and demonstrating the tangible benefits of a more engaged approach to talent interaction. By encouraging hiring managers to commit time to strategic engagement, companies can fill positions faster and develop a more diverse talent pool.

He also highlights the importance of internal mobility, urging companies to reconsider their focus and assess if they might be overly reliant on external hiring, potentially overlooking capable internal candidates who could offer quicker, high-quality solutions.

A particularly surprising insight Vlastelica offers is that despite technological advancements, the time to fill positions hasn’t seen significant improvement. This observation leads him to advocate for a more streamlined and strategic pre-hiring process, including planned hiring events and the use of data to anticipate and prepare for future needs. This proactive stance goes beyond simply reducing hiring times; it transforms how organizations approach talent acquisition.

Vlastelica’s final thought emphasizes that being strategic in talent acquisition is not about ticking boxes off a checklist. It requires a fresh perspective, proactive engagement, and a willingness to challenge traditional hiring norms. Whether it’s redefining interactions with potential candidates or optimizing internal processes for greater efficiency, the ultimate goal remains the same: to secure quality hires quickly and incorporate diversity into our strategies.

As we move forward to redefine strategic hiring, Vlastelica encourages us to reflect on whether we are just filling openings or whether we are actively cultivating a robust, dynamic, and diverse workforce prepared for the future. Let’s embrace this challenge and be the change we want to see in the world of talent acquisition.

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