• September 17, 2023


Table of Contents

Introduction #

The article post type features blog posts from our staff and members. These are typically “long-form” posts. In other words, multiple sentences and/or paragraphs. Also, these posts are typically, overall, statements, facts, and/or opinions. Articles are not, overall, questions. Although, to prompt the reader to think more deeply an article might contain a question within it. Many times though a question within an article is rhetorical. Normal short question type posts, should be published as a question and not an article.

Permissions #

Any member may publish an article. However, recruiters only see articles that other recruiters or staff publish. Talent only sees articles that other talent or staff publish.


The logic behind this is that if you are not a recruiter you don’t need to see all kinds of articles about how to be a better recruiter. Therefore, we spare our non-recruiter members from having to see all of that noise; at least within our articles area. Other areas of Alicorn Hunt mix recruiters and talent posts. The logic behind that is, as one quick example, so that both talent and recruiters can help each other. If a talent member posts a question about how to answer an interview question, they may want both other talent and recruiters to answer the question.

Rules #

You may only post articles related to employment. This may include (not an all-inclusive list) posts about talent acquisition, recruiting, staffing, HR, employees, jobs, management, organization (at work), relationships (at work), funny situations (at work), whatever else (about work), etc.

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